We tailor our services to fit every clients' individual needs. Commonly, we use an initial chat and an existing logo / colour scheme as a starting point to build your design upon. Alternatively, If you would like to be involved from the ground up, discussing colours and their connotations, how different layouts impact visitors in different ways and when a .png is preferable to a .jpg we can do that too! Regardless of how involved you would like to be, we'll make sure to check you're happy with the design at key stages of the process.
All of our designs are mobile friendly and adhere to industry best practices. They're also optimised from the ground up to be easily indexed by search engines.
When you're happy to go live, we'll get the site up and running on a hosting server for you. If you already have a hosting package we can probably use that, or if you would like us to arrange hosting for you we can offer a package that best fits the sites requirements.
We stand behind our work, so also offer site management and maintenance packages meaning we will look after all aspects of your website on your behalf.